Friday, October 24, 2008

Question #2

This may sound like a stupid question and very shocking for some people that I may be asking it. But look at this question as if someone you never knew who just became a new Christian came up to you and asked you.

"What is so bad about cursing or swearing?" "What is so bad about saying 'bad' words?"

October 24, 2008


Kara said...

Well, first of all, I remember a time when you would have considered "stupid" to be a bad word (and I'm reliving it now that Christopher's at that stage of life)! :)

But, to answer your question...I think it's all a matter of the heart! In other words, what are you thinking (or what are others around thinking) when you say those words? More importantly, what does God think? Certainly, if you're taking His name in vain, then you're violating one of the 10 commandments. As for the others, it's like so many other things in this world, satan has taken what God's given us & twisted it. Some of these words that are now taboo were perfectly acceptable a century or so ago. For example, what do you think of when someone says they are "gay" - do you think they are telling you they are happy...or something else? When my grandparents were young, that word ment "happy" and nothing more!

Amanda said...

I would read James with that person.

Hi, Daniel! I got linked to your blog through Gaddis's. I enjoy it.

bcl said...

Well, the Bible does say (and I'm paraphrasing here) that we cannot with the same mouth curse man and praise God. This is considered evil to God. God considers "cursing man" (or in our days saying curse words) a SIN. And since we are to be like Christ, we are to strive NOT to sin. So, if you say curse words you are sinning. But the good news is you can ask for forgiveness! Praise God! :)

I will be honest with you that when I was about 15 or 16 I used to curse constantly and thought nothing of it because my Christian "friends" did it too. But a kid a few years younger than me shared that he had prayed to ask God to forgive him and to help him to not curse and that it had worked. So, I then was convicted that I needed to do the same and I found favor with God and He answered my prayer. Now, I won't tell you I've never cursed since then, but if I do or if I start to even think a curse word I still get convicted of my sin and sometimes I bite my tongue...not literally though, that would hurt! :)

Hope this helps!