Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Question #1

Why do we as human being feel we must look, act, be a certain way?

October 22, 2008


bcl said...

Because the world tells us that we are to look or act a cetain way and if we break out of the norm we are considered weird or outcasts. This is why the world rejects Christians- they see us as weird or fanaticals.

Kara said...

I agree wholeheartedly with what Cherie posted...couldn't have said it better myself! :)

I would like to add that God has placed in each of us a desire for fellowship. He placed hat desire so that we would come together to worship Him, yet like everything else God created for good, the world has distorted it and convinced us that if we don't fit the "perfect" mold of the world (i.e. thin, beautiful, and successful), then we are not worthy of love or attention and must be avoided lest our unworthness be contagious! ;)